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        1. A good piece on the new Mission: Impossible film. It feels like the many people lavishing praise and five-star reviews on it saw a completely different film to me, one that didn't have horrible scripting and editing. My review here: @CinePerspective/1680874687847362562
      1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
        The editing of an action blockbuster should build tension and excitement invisibly. But there's a scene in the Doge's Palace in Venice that has atrocious editing that really took me out of the film and made me wonder if the cast were ever in the same place for filming that scene.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      Truly shockingly bad especially considering how long this film spent in post-production.
  1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
    I'm still banging on about the new MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. It's weird to me that the IMF now seems to have extremely culty vibes where you no longer go through a recruitment process but instead are told that you've been "given the choice". This was never part of the previous films.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      It really feels like people are giving this film a lot of leeway and especially overlooking the on-set and off-set behaviour of its star and major producer who is a close personal friend of David Miscavige.