At the summit of The Slacks (365 metres). Spectacular views over Glasgow and the Kilpatrick Hills, WalkHighlands said. At least there's a good ol' OS trig point.
The Slacks here was my next Marilyn attempt (a Marilyn is a shorter than a Munro: perfect for a short king). But due to an oversight in the planning stages, I walked up a hill that isn't a Marilyn.
The Slacks is taller than my last Marilyn, Ben Bowie (313 metres), but it doesn't have the prominence. A Marilyn must have 150 metres of prominence and The Slacks only has 42 metres. If it was a nicer day, I'd have cracked on to Little Duncolm, Middle Duncolm, and Duncolm.
The heather moor on The Slacks was full of midges and I didn't take any Avon Skin-So-Soft to repel them so I was bitten to shit and now I'm all itchy and I didn't even go up a Marilyn.