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  1. Some thoughts on Hitman 3 now I've played every level: I love it because I love the Hitman games but I think it's easily the worst of the World of Assassination trilogy and is lacking some of the polish of Hitman and Hitman 2.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      Dubai is beautiful and expansive but I was disappointed at how linear it felt on a first playthrough and how easy it was to get Silent Assassin. The level acted as somewhat of a training mission.
      1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
        Similarly with the Romania mission which is just a bit nothing. Played through three times this morning and that's finished most of the challenges.
        1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
          The other levels however are classic Hitman and I can't wait to discover more and for more Escalations to come out for them. Dartmoor is excellent and I've gone back to that a few times. Berlin has an intimidating level of potential ways to go through it.
          1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
            Ultimately I agree with @ckunzelman's Vice review that the game loses what makes Hitman great the more it explores its story. I don't particularly need any throughline: I just want disconnected assassination missions in interesting environments.
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