SimonXIX’s avatarSimonXIX’s Twitter Archive—№ 55,583

      1. All being well, we should be getting fibre broadband activated to save us from the shocking average of 1Mbps in this flat. Unfortunately we were also supposed to have it activated on Tuesday but didn't.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      I saw someone in Manhattan on Twitter the other day talking about their 800Mbps connection while I'm here waiting for Gmail to load.
  1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
    I've been led down this primrose path before but tomorrow - TOMORROW - we should be getting our fibre broadband and we'll be saved from this hell of low definition streaming.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      Once the broadband is up to it, I might stream myself playing Hitman 2 just for the hell of it.
      1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
        Now we're talking!
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API