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    1. I've very much enjoyed David Mitchell's latest novel, Utopia Avenue. I'm sure he was writing it for a good long while but it feels off a piece with the recent popular culture interest in that era of music via BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY and ROCKETMAN.
  1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
    For me, the weakest parts were the sci-fi-y bits linking it to the wider Mitchellverse. The Bone Clocks felt like a definitive statement on his shared universe so they feel a bit out of place here. Also I'm sure I would have got more from it if I'd read The Thousand Autumns.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      I've just learned that David Mitchell has contributed to the screenplay for THE MATRIX 4 which I think means THE MATRIX films are now part of the Mitchellverse.