SimonXIX’s avatarSimonXIX’s Twitter Archive—№ 55,024

  1. H. was wandering around humming some kind of minimalist modern piece like a Philip Glass or a Max Richter maybe? Neither of us can remember the name of it and it doesn't even have lyrics we can Bing.
    1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
      It was Michael Nyman's An Eye for Optical Theory! We looked up similar artists to Philip Glass on Spotify and I knew it was a Nyman as soon as I saw his name pop up.
      1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
        This led us to both try to work out where we'd heard it and we just figured out it was MAN ON WIRE, that documentary about tightrope walking between the World Trade Center towers. This evening brought to you by the frustration of not quite being able to remember things.
        1. …in reply to @SimonXIX
          I kept saying that the piece had a real A CLOCKWORK ORANGE quality to it, I guess because Philippe Petit in that film has an Alex DeLarge energy and there's that scene that replicates the speeded-up sex scene from ORANGE. A fun but useless connection to make, brain.