On the latest Cilip fuckery: The nature of Cilip's Royal Charter ties it to traditional British institutions of power. As an organisation, it is definitionally conservative (small-c). Cilip is organisationally incapable of being philosophically and politically critical.
I allowed my Cilip membership to lapse in 2013, three years into the Tory-Lib Dem coalition Government at which point it was clear to me that Cilip was, by its nature, tied in terms of values to whoever was in power.
Cilip is not, and cannot be, a place for critical theory, critical librarianship, or critlib. Chartership is, by definition, an exclusive and gatekeeping exercise that cannot be tied to (what I see as) the liberatory aims of critical theory (in the Frankfurt School sense).
All of which is to say, cozying up to Dominic Cummings is a new low but it's a low consistent with their actions and their values-intuited-through-their-actions (in sharp contrast to their stated-values) since 2010.